Hello Everyone!!
I know I haven't posted lately, and yes I have said this before but life is super busy. I am at that point in the semester where all these assignments are popping up, the beginning of tests and of course a lot of reading. It's crazy and I hate that it's all due at once but that's life. It doesn't help that I have an extreme case of senioritius, and no not the old people kind. I am in the very last semester of my undergraduate degree and have zero motivation to get things done. I love sitting in some of my classes, learning different things, but I just want to sit there and learn, I don't want to do any of the assignments, It's sad I know. I want to get good grades but I just want them handed to me and don't want to work for them and that's just not right. So pray for me if you pray or send me good thoughts because I need all the help I can get. Making myself do anything right now is hard.
That may partially be due to the cold I am fighting against. I sadly fell victim to that evil cold that has swept across the state or at least the area i live in. I hate being sick and it really railroaded my work out plans. If I am honest I don't mind, again I want to get in shape and thinner but I don't want to put forth the effort. I seriously suffer from laziness disease and it sucks. I want to be more motivated but I am just not. It's a horrible feeling especially when I am not happy with the way things are. I am tired of being that person that sits around all the time, but i don't do anything to change it. Ladies and Gents this is laziness at it's prime and it's horrible. Yes being sick doesn't help but still. I can lay the blame on everything I want but I know the truth, I am the problem.
To solve this problem, I am going to try something new. I am going to make an exercise calendar to help keep me motivated. I even downloaded an app for my phone to aid me in my progress. I am going to fill this calendar with good and motivating sayings and keep my eyes on the prize. My prize is being in good shape and content with how I look and feel. This is for me, not anyone else, but me. Now on the school front, that is just gonna take me sitting down and biting the bullet. So tomorrow I am going to sit down and make myself do my homework and do it well. There is no point in doing the assignments if I am not going to do them well, at least in my train of thought. So I just have to kick my butt into gear, I am almost done and I want to finish really well and the only way to do that is to give it my all. That also applies to both fronts. If you don't push yourself you won't grow, and I want to grow.
These are some of the challenges in my life. These are the minor trials of my life, and they may seem trivial to some but they are important to me. I have spent a lot of time focusing on my big time dreams but that's not wise. I need to focus on the here and now and go on from there. Dreams are good, hang on to them but don't botch things in the present. That is my plan anyways.
Now my deep question for you: What are things that you want to change? I mean things like my example, like my laziness. Is there something about you that you know needs to change but you haven't yet? Guess what you can change it! We both can and will! I have faith in you and so does God! Together we can make it through these two times and see the change come. I am not going to set a date because that's not fair, but I know someday in the future, I won't be lazy. I will be active and won't procrastinate things. I need to grow up, I can't be a kid forever. So think about it the next couple of days and devise ways to make those changes. We are making ourselves better people, never know when someone may need us at our very best. So get out there and get motivated. God will help you through it, all you have to do is ask him.
Good Luck and Blessings!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Simple Moments, Lasting Memories
Greetings and Salutations!!
One of my friends came to me today and told me I needed to post more. I couldn't help but laugh because it made me happy to know that people were reading this. So this particular post is dedicated to you, dear friend, who wants to read more of my crazy thoughts on things. You know who you are ;)
I am in a pretty good mood today, and I found a gif to kind of show how i feel and yes it's another Supernatural gif, but it captures me perfectly!
Yes I am doing a happy dance today for a number of reasons. One of them being I had a great time with my family today. It was just a good time of fellowship and laughs and it was very much needed. The other reason is because I took a picture today and sent it to one of my favorite authors. It was something so simple but I found it funny and sent it to her and she retweeted it. -insert fangirly squeal here- (It probably looks something like this, but with jumping and squealing)
After she retweeted it, it went viral!!! Something me, little Nicol, who lives in some obscure and unknown place posted went completely viral in the fandom. Yes it's something silly to be excited over but I was excited that it went that far. Now fans are plotting crimes to steal the sign in the picture but it was just amazing to me that something I took brought that all together. That got me thinking, well that and other things in my life.
It sounds silly but all I really want right now is to feel important to someone, to matter I guess would be a way to explain it. I know I matter to friends and my family but I just want to feel important. Like when a friends sends you a text with an inside joke or someone famous retweets your tweet. I want to feel that way and I haven't felt that way in a long time. My personality is to do that for other people, by picking out something I know you like, even if it's small, or sending a text or picture of something I know you will find amusing. I go out of my way to let people know I am thinking about them, and that they are important enough that I remembered them when I saw something. I want that too. So when it happened on Twitter with one of my favorite authors, it just made my entire week. It's simple and seems silly to some but to me it meant quite a lot.
Today is a day I will always remember, do you have moments like that? Those are moments to treasure and think back on, especially when you are feeling low. God totally gives us moments like these to look back on when we are feeling down, I believe that wholeheartedly. Now for some it may not be what I experienced but we are all unique people, with different likes. Today God totally blessed me and put the biggest smile on my face, today he found an awesome way to make me feel special and important. That is how awesome God is, he knows just how to make your day or your week in my case. So if you are feeling blue, think back on a good memory, something that just totally made your day. If that doesn't work, come find me, I am sure I can put a smile on your face.
SORRY! I totally had to put that up there because as I was writing that line that scene totally came to mind. Yes I am a die hard batman fan, I just can't help it. But if you liked the movie, I am sure you probably just smiled.
To summarize, God is good, my life is awesome and though I may feel low tomorrow, I have good memories to look back on. I am one blessed girl and I am just happy I can share it with you my lovely readers!!
One of my friends came to me today and told me I needed to post more. I couldn't help but laugh because it made me happy to know that people were reading this. So this particular post is dedicated to you, dear friend, who wants to read more of my crazy thoughts on things. You know who you are ;)
I am in a pretty good mood today, and I found a gif to kind of show how i feel and yes it's another Supernatural gif, but it captures me perfectly!
Yes I am doing a happy dance today for a number of reasons. One of them being I had a great time with my family today. It was just a good time of fellowship and laughs and it was very much needed. The other reason is because I took a picture today and sent it to one of my favorite authors. It was something so simple but I found it funny and sent it to her and she retweeted it. -insert fangirly squeal here- (It probably looks something like this, but with jumping and squealing)
After she retweeted it, it went viral!!! Something me, little Nicol, who lives in some obscure and unknown place posted went completely viral in the fandom. Yes it's something silly to be excited over but I was excited that it went that far. Now fans are plotting crimes to steal the sign in the picture but it was just amazing to me that something I took brought that all together. That got me thinking, well that and other things in my life.
It sounds silly but all I really want right now is to feel important to someone, to matter I guess would be a way to explain it. I know I matter to friends and my family but I just want to feel important. Like when a friends sends you a text with an inside joke or someone famous retweets your tweet. I want to feel that way and I haven't felt that way in a long time. My personality is to do that for other people, by picking out something I know you like, even if it's small, or sending a text or picture of something I know you will find amusing. I go out of my way to let people know I am thinking about them, and that they are important enough that I remembered them when I saw something. I want that too. So when it happened on Twitter with one of my favorite authors, it just made my entire week. It's simple and seems silly to some but to me it meant quite a lot.
Today is a day I will always remember, do you have moments like that? Those are moments to treasure and think back on, especially when you are feeling low. God totally gives us moments like these to look back on when we are feeling down, I believe that wholeheartedly. Now for some it may not be what I experienced but we are all unique people, with different likes. Today God totally blessed me and put the biggest smile on my face, today he found an awesome way to make me feel special and important. That is how awesome God is, he knows just how to make your day or your week in my case. So if you are feeling blue, think back on a good memory, something that just totally made your day. If that doesn't work, come find me, I am sure I can put a smile on your face.
SORRY! I totally had to put that up there because as I was writing that line that scene totally came to mind. Yes I am a die hard batman fan, I just can't help it. But if you liked the movie, I am sure you probably just smiled.
To summarize, God is good, my life is awesome and though I may feel low tomorrow, I have good memories to look back on. I am one blessed girl and I am just happy I can share it with you my lovely readers!!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
9-11-2001 We Will Never Forget
I will always remember Sept 11, 2001. I was sitting in gym class stretching with friends, when the Principal announced over the PA system that a plane crashed in New York. At the time, being young and stupid, I thought "Plane crashed in New York, that's sad but what does it have to do with me?" I know it's rather selfish to say but I was young at the time. So when gym class was over, I walked into my next class and on the TV was the smoking Twin Towers. It was then I realized that something so much more than a plane crash had taken place. I watched the footage while other students around me cried and somehow even in that moment I knew things would never be the same.
Here we are 12 years later and that memory is still as fresh as when it happened. A terrible act was committed that day, one that words can't really begin to describe. What's more is that brave men and women gave up their lives to protect the rest of us. So today I want to honor them for their sacrifice, without them things could have been so much worse. My prayers are with the families of those lost to this tragedy, praying strength and grace over them as they remembered their loved ones today. Even though the people who lost their lives can't see this I still think it needs to be said. Thank You! I also want to thank all the soldiers who have gone to war since, thank them for fighting and giving up their lives so that I can live and be free. Without the soldiers we truly would be lost.
Today is a day not to be taken lightly. Take a few minutes to remember that day clearly in your mind. Remember your feelings, and then say a prayer for all those that fought to save your life, the soldiers and even those on the planes themselves. I am not saying you can't laugh and have a good day, I am going to celebrate life today but I am also going to take a few moments to remember, remember what was done to protect the lives of the people of this country and the sacrifices that have been made since.
Have a Blessed Day!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
A lesson in patience
Greeting Readers!
I hope that all is well in your lives. I know my blog has been lacking excitement lately but I have been working, and going to class and studying, so I am sorry for the lack of posts. However inspiration has struck and I have somethings I want to say.
You know the saying "Good things come to those who wait"? I kind of hate that saying and this is why. Patience has never really be my strong suite. I tend to get super excited about things to come, or the plans I have for myself and don't want to wait. I want to get to it and start right then and there but that's not reality. If that was the case we would all be achieving everything lightning fast and it would kind of lose it's value.
The reason I bring this all up is because of some of the things I want to do. it's no secret that I want to be an author. I love books and I have some good ideas jumbling around in my head. Ok I think they are good ideas, but if everyone else thinks they are good has yet to be seen. Anywho, in my mind I see the writing process being super easy and just bam write a story and send it to a publisher. After reading authors' blogs and such I find that is not the case. It's so much more in depth and there is so much more to it. It kind of shows how naive I am but I am new to the whole market. Not only is the whole process in depth but it takes time. It takes patience. I have a small idea for a story, and I just want the whole thing to be handed to me on a platter. I want God to say "Here Nicol, here is the story, now write like the wind." Yes God would so say something like that to me. That's not reality. I have a lot going on and even some authors have waited years before their books were even ready to be brought before a publishing company. It's all part of a process.
In my life right now, I have a lot of things going on. Work, School, Family Commitments, Church Commitments, and that doesn't leave much time for writing.Not too mention that I am not that patient. In fact I need a heavy dose of patience. I so desperately want to get my story out there and watch it go places but it has to be all in good time. I have to wait and let the inspiration and timing fall into place. I am a firm believer in everything happening when God meant for it to happen. Maybe now the seed of the story has been sown and as time passes it will begin to grow and when I have the time, then it will just spring right out of me. I am not going to give up on my dreams, I just have to learn to be patient and wait on God. I need to learn to enjoy life and not get so gung ho about things. Being excited is one thing, wanting to jump in, with no experience or idea what I am doing isn't so smart.
Are there things in your life you are excited about? Are you wanting to just jump right in like me? If you feel any opposition at all, or a warning in the pit of your stomach, chances are it's not that time. Good things do come to those who wait, and patience is a good virtue. Such cliche sayings but they are the truest words that have been spoken on the manner. Don't push your dream away, just relax, keep it on the back burner. When the time is right, for whatever you are dealing with, you will know. It will just click into place, everything will line up just right. I know it will for me and I know it will for you too. I even have a bible verse to back me up.
Isaiah 40:31:Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.
James 5:7-8: Be patient, therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
These are two of my favorite verses. The second one especially. Yes it says the coming of the Lord but in this instance it's the coming of the things the Lord has for you in your life. For me it's the story I want to write, the one bubbling inside of me. Just like I said before, the seed has been planted, now like a patient farmer I just have to be patient and wait. I can't make it grow or pull it too early, it won't be right. If I wait on the Lord, then I know it will come in due season at the right time. So be encouraged by these verses, God has good things in store for each of us. We just have to rest in him and let them happen when they happen.
You should know that as I was writing this, I was getting something from it too. That verse in James really encouraged me, which always makes me smile. I love it when i get revelation from things as I am writing. I know that patience isn't easy and that tomorrow I will battle with it again but my dreams are worth it. Besides I always have these awesome verses to really bolster that determination in me.
Be blessed dear readers! And remember to hang onto those dreams, and enjoy life!
I hope that all is well in your lives. I know my blog has been lacking excitement lately but I have been working, and going to class and studying, so I am sorry for the lack of posts. However inspiration has struck and I have somethings I want to say.
You know the saying "Good things come to those who wait"? I kind of hate that saying and this is why. Patience has never really be my strong suite. I tend to get super excited about things to come, or the plans I have for myself and don't want to wait. I want to get to it and start right then and there but that's not reality. If that was the case we would all be achieving everything lightning fast and it would kind of lose it's value.
The reason I bring this all up is because of some of the things I want to do. it's no secret that I want to be an author. I love books and I have some good ideas jumbling around in my head. Ok I think they are good ideas, but if everyone else thinks they are good has yet to be seen. Anywho, in my mind I see the writing process being super easy and just bam write a story and send it to a publisher. After reading authors' blogs and such I find that is not the case. It's so much more in depth and there is so much more to it. It kind of shows how naive I am but I am new to the whole market. Not only is the whole process in depth but it takes time. It takes patience. I have a small idea for a story, and I just want the whole thing to be handed to me on a platter. I want God to say "Here Nicol, here is the story, now write like the wind." Yes God would so say something like that to me. That's not reality. I have a lot going on and even some authors have waited years before their books were even ready to be brought before a publishing company. It's all part of a process.
In my life right now, I have a lot of things going on. Work, School, Family Commitments, Church Commitments, and that doesn't leave much time for writing.Not too mention that I am not that patient. In fact I need a heavy dose of patience. I so desperately want to get my story out there and watch it go places but it has to be all in good time. I have to wait and let the inspiration and timing fall into place. I am a firm believer in everything happening when God meant for it to happen. Maybe now the seed of the story has been sown and as time passes it will begin to grow and when I have the time, then it will just spring right out of me. I am not going to give up on my dreams, I just have to learn to be patient and wait on God. I need to learn to enjoy life and not get so gung ho about things. Being excited is one thing, wanting to jump in, with no experience or idea what I am doing isn't so smart.
Are there things in your life you are excited about? Are you wanting to just jump right in like me? If you feel any opposition at all, or a warning in the pit of your stomach, chances are it's not that time. Good things do come to those who wait, and patience is a good virtue. Such cliche sayings but they are the truest words that have been spoken on the manner. Don't push your dream away, just relax, keep it on the back burner. When the time is right, for whatever you are dealing with, you will know. It will just click into place, everything will line up just right. I know it will for me and I know it will for you too. I even have a bible verse to back me up.
Isaiah 40:31:Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.
James 5:7-8: Be patient, therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
These are two of my favorite verses. The second one especially. Yes it says the coming of the Lord but in this instance it's the coming of the things the Lord has for you in your life. For me it's the story I want to write, the one bubbling inside of me. Just like I said before, the seed has been planted, now like a patient farmer I just have to be patient and wait. I can't make it grow or pull it too early, it won't be right. If I wait on the Lord, then I know it will come in due season at the right time. So be encouraged by these verses, God has good things in store for each of us. We just have to rest in him and let them happen when they happen.
You should know that as I was writing this, I was getting something from it too. That verse in James really encouraged me, which always makes me smile. I love it when i get revelation from things as I am writing. I know that patience isn't easy and that tomorrow I will battle with it again but my dreams are worth it. Besides I always have these awesome verses to really bolster that determination in me.
Be blessed dear readers! And remember to hang onto those dreams, and enjoy life!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Checking In & a Quick Thought
Dearest readers!!!
Enjoy this Supernatural gif that I snagged from tumblr. I do like this show and this gif pretty much sums up how I feel. I am giving each of you my readers a hug, I've missed you all so much.
I know it feels like a dog's age since I have posted but life has been rather busy. I had no idea that taking 5 classes would be so busy. I've done it before but having them all shoved into one day makes it a bit much to deal with. It's really messed with my gym schedule, which makes me sad, because I love to work out and miss the gym. I just get so tired and worn out, getting myself to go is hard. I do manage some smaller workouts but still. Not too mention I feel like I have worked a lot this past week. New People to train and things to do but such is life.
I've been going through some things lately. I am sure I will post about them soon but I am just waiting on the proper inspiration. believe it or not my posts are inspired which is probably why they are so wordy. Regardless when the inspiration strikes I promise you will have an epic post. For right now I am just trying to wade through life and the trials I am enduring. I have to keep my eye on the prize though because it gets hard to continue to walk through the fire. It's hard and it would be so easy to give up, but I want to be that refined and pure gold, so I continue on, with the strength of God keeping me going.
I do miss you all and I am glad that you have stuck with me. I am almost to 200 views which is rather exciting. I will admit I have shared this blog with people and they shared it with friends, which makes me want to squeal like a girl. I am honored that you have taken the time to read my thoughts on things, and am sorry that this post isn't exciting, I've just got a lot going on. So thank you for reading new readers, and please continue to check back in. I do have more to say, I guarantee you that.
Be Blessed!!
I know it feels like a dog's age since I have posted but life has been rather busy. I had no idea that taking 5 classes would be so busy. I've done it before but having them all shoved into one day makes it a bit much to deal with. It's really messed with my gym schedule, which makes me sad, because I love to work out and miss the gym. I just get so tired and worn out, getting myself to go is hard. I do manage some smaller workouts but still. Not too mention I feel like I have worked a lot this past week. New People to train and things to do but such is life.
I've been going through some things lately. I am sure I will post about them soon but I am just waiting on the proper inspiration. believe it or not my posts are inspired which is probably why they are so wordy. Regardless when the inspiration strikes I promise you will have an epic post. For right now I am just trying to wade through life and the trials I am enduring. I have to keep my eye on the prize though because it gets hard to continue to walk through the fire. It's hard and it would be so easy to give up, but I want to be that refined and pure gold, so I continue on, with the strength of God keeping me going.
I do miss you all and I am glad that you have stuck with me. I am almost to 200 views which is rather exciting. I will admit I have shared this blog with people and they shared it with friends, which makes me want to squeal like a girl. I am honored that you have taken the time to read my thoughts on things, and am sorry that this post isn't exciting, I've just got a lot going on. So thank you for reading new readers, and please continue to check back in. I do have more to say, I guarantee you that.
Be Blessed!!
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