Hello Everyone!!
I know I haven't posted lately, and yes I have said this before but life is super busy. I am at that point in the semester where all these assignments are popping up, the beginning of tests and of course a lot of reading. It's crazy and I hate that it's all due at once but that's life. It doesn't help that I have an extreme case of senioritius, and no not the old people kind. I am in the very last semester of my undergraduate degree and have zero motivation to get things done. I love sitting in some of my classes, learning different things, but I just want to sit there and learn, I don't want to do any of the assignments, It's sad I know. I want to get good grades but I just want them handed to me and don't want to work for them and that's just not right. So pray for me if you pray or send me good thoughts because I need all the help I can get. Making myself do anything right now is hard.
That may partially be due to the cold I am fighting against. I sadly fell victim to that evil cold that has swept across the state or at least the area i live in. I hate being sick and it really railroaded my work out plans. If I am honest I don't mind, again I want to get in shape and thinner but I don't want to put forth the effort. I seriously suffer from laziness disease and it sucks. I want to be more motivated but I am just not. It's a horrible feeling especially when I am not happy with the way things are. I am tired of being that person that sits around all the time, but i don't do anything to change it. Ladies and Gents this is laziness at it's prime and it's horrible. Yes being sick doesn't help but still. I can lay the blame on everything I want but I know the truth, I am the problem.
To solve this problem, I am going to try something new. I am going to make an exercise calendar to help keep me motivated. I even downloaded an app for my phone to aid me in my progress. I am going to fill this calendar with good and motivating sayings and keep my eyes on the prize. My prize is being in good shape and content with how I look and feel. This is for me, not anyone else, but me. Now on the school front, that is just gonna take me sitting down and biting the bullet. So tomorrow I am going to sit down and make myself do my homework and do it well. There is no point in doing the assignments if I am not going to do them well, at least in my train of thought. So I just have to kick my butt into gear, I am almost done and I want to finish really well and the only way to do that is to give it my all. That also applies to both fronts. If you don't push yourself you won't grow, and I want to grow.
These are some of the challenges in my life. These are the minor trials of my life, and they may seem trivial to some but they are important to me. I have spent a lot of time focusing on my big time dreams but that's not wise. I need to focus on the here and now and go on from there. Dreams are good, hang on to them but don't botch things in the present. That is my plan anyways.
Now my deep question for you: What are things that you want to change? I mean things like my example, like my laziness. Is there something about you that you know needs to change but you haven't yet? Guess what you can change it! We both can and will! I have faith in you and so does God! Together we can make it through these two times and see the change come. I am not going to set a date because that's not fair, but I know someday in the future, I won't be lazy. I will be active and won't procrastinate things. I need to grow up, I can't be a kid forever. So think about it the next couple of days and devise ways to make those changes. We are making ourselves better people, never know when someone may need us at our very best. So get out there and get motivated. God will help you through it, all you have to do is ask him.
Good Luck and Blessings!
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