Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: A year of Adventure

I know it's shocking, I am actually posting! The last bit of 2013 has been pretty crazy. Between classes and work I really didn't have time. Not too mention December is a busy month for everyone, but it was especially busy for me. I graduated from college with my Bachelor's degree. It still feels weird to say because I have been in school for so long but it has truly happened. It will become real when I get my actual degree but until then I am just wandering in this state of shock.

Other than that life hasn't been exciting, I have pretty much slacked on my gym time and my time with God but that is all going to change. 2014 is the year for me to mature and grow as an adult. I will admit that i still think of myself as 22 even though I am 25 almost 26. School does that I think, makes you feel younger. At least it did for me. Regardless, this year is the year I grow into who I am as a person, and not as a student. It's definitely going to be a year of self-discovery and I am honestly excited.

People say that life is an adventure and 2014 is going to be an adventure, at least for me. God is taking me on a journey and I am pretty excited about it. I am ready to really live, and I've got big dreams that are waiting to be fulfilled. I've also got some goals I want to achieve in the coming year. I don't do New Years' resolutions, I make goals and I set about to achieve them. So I have written up some for this year and by george I will achieve them. I am a determined young woman when I want to be.

Happy New Year readers. (That is if I have any left)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Writing Debut

Just a short post today!

Yesterday a profile was done on my by Meg Collett on her website! I hope you all went to read it, it was a beautiful piece that she thought up and I am honored and excited to have been a part of it :)

Today she posted my fanfiction that I rewrote. I had originally written the piece back in 2008. When Meg and I were talking about my piece, I decided to rewrite it. Batman reinvented his image and so did I. I am posting the link below so you can check it out. I want to be a writer someday and gotta start somewhere. Cassandra Clare, Author of the Mortal Instruments Series, got her start writing fan fiction, so I am off to a good start.

So without further ado, I give you the link to my writing debut!

A hero's sadness by Nicol Bowen

** A Disclaimer: I do not own DC or Batman, I am simply giving my take on them **

Monday, November 4, 2013


Hello All!!

My last post was kind of dark and dreary but I am on an upswing! So things should be a lot lighter from now on. I know my blog has so far been about encouraging you and letting you know you aren't alone but sometimes things aren't always sunshine and rainbows. I want this blog to be real and when i shared my weakness with you that was me being real. We have to take the good with the bad and I hope you all understood.

But i have some really big news for everyone.I am featured on the blog of Meg Collett! First though a bit of a back story!

I find authors on Twitter all the time. And I don't remember how I found Meg but I did and it was the best thing ever. She posted a tweet about how she wanted to feature author and bloggers and wanted people's thoughts. Everyone knows I have no problem giving feedback on stuff like that. So I told her that was an awesome idea and I would like to read them. Of course I am not an author so I don't see myself being posted on there. She didn't take that for an answer, which I am happy for, and we started emailing. From there a friendship formed and something awesome happened.

Now I don't want to give too much away about the piece because I want you to go read it but I am likened to my favorite superhero and it's such an honor. The link will be posted below so make sure you go check it out. Today is the profile on me, and tomorrow is the piece I wrote for it. This is my first piece of published writing in a long time, so it's a momentous occasion! So go check it out both days!!

And if you are an avid reader, check out some of the excerpts that Meg has posted for her upcoming book The Hunted One. She is an amazing writer and this book is going to be amazing. So go check out some of her own writings while you are there!! It's definitely worth your time!

Also in the works is a book blog from me, so keep your eyes peeled!!

Meg Collett's Profile On Nicol

Go check it out. This is a huge blessing for me and I want to share it with everyone!

Monday, October 28, 2013

One can only be so strong

I know that my posting has been very sporadic but that's what happens when you take five classes in one day and work as much as I do. Not too mention my social life has picked up a bit, which is a good thing. It hasn't left much time for posting in my blog but that got me thinking.

Does it really matter if I post or not?

I know who one or two of my readers are, but that's about it. I so badly want to make a difference and make my voice heard but my confidence is severely shaken. I have all these things I want to do and no time to do it. It's rather annoying. I know i am just at a low moment. We have up swings and down settings in life and I have reached a down setting.

I will get passed this and will be confident and sure again, I just can't help but share it with you my readers. Even if there are only two of you. It's alright to be down, it happens and is apart of life but we can't let it keep us down. I tend to be the person who will dwell in my pity party till someone slaps me and says "Hey get it together. You can do this." hahaha I know that seems extreme but that's something I need.

I need that with this blog. I haven't been inspired to write lately and for that I apologize. I only tend to post when I feel a topic weighing on my heart and lately my time has been so consumed by life and other stuff I haven't had time to think about it. Either that or what is on my heart is just so negative it doesn't need to be shared. When I started this blog, i had such expectations about it. I would have all these readers and do book reviews and movie reviews and all of this awesome stuff and none of it has seemed to taken off. It makes me kind of sad but maybe it's my fault. I picked a bad time to start one.

All in all readers, I am kind of in a slump. I will pull through but I ask that you don't give up on me and this blog. I know it will be great someday, but for right now it's just what it is. I don't know how to describe it. If you are the praying type, say a few for me.

Thanks for sticking with me this far!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Sorry Ladies and Gents! I have a lot going on right now. It seems like if I don't have tests to do, I have papers and if it's not papers it's some other assignment. I thought my last semester would be easy. Boy was I wrong!! Oh well, I will get through it and it will be good!!

Now you all know I love books. I love to read and hope to write a novel someday. Twitter is helping me connect with some authors and other readers and it's so much fun and really awesome. Well I have teamed up with a group called Feed My Reads. They are a group on twitter that post things for readers, for authors and everyone in between. They keep readers up to date on upcoming books and events and help authors connect with their readers. It's a really awesome group.

Anyways, they have decided to branch out to the USA. I now run the Feed My Reads Chapter in Ohio! So I will be working with people to announce upcoming book events and promoting authors in Ohio and the like. It's a great networking idea and it will be good to get the word out for other readers.

if you'd like to see what I am talking about, some links for you:

Feed My Reads
Feed My Reads USA
Feed My Reads Ohio

Go check them out if you are a reader or an author, or aspiring author. If you aren't feel free to ignore this post.

I do have some more exciting news coming up, God is blessing me yet again. You will have to wait to find out. So keep checking back!!


Thursday, October 3, 2013


Happy October!!!!

I absolutely love Fall. The leaves turn beautiful shades of orange, red and yellow. Pumpkin flavored everything comes out, and do not forget apple flavored things. It's a season of boots, I love my boots, and have a nice collection. And the weather is not too hot not too cold, so it's really just perfect. I love me some fall. If you don't get into Fall, hang out with someone who does, I am sure they can turn you onto the beauty and splendor that it is. If you don't ever get into fall, I will label you the Fall Grinch and shun you. hahahah just kidding.

So Ladies and Gents, I have been ruminating on some things, (YES BIG WORD), it's just my fancy way of saying reflecting or thinking. Back to the point, I have been thinking about Honesty. Everyone says that hokey line "Honesty is the best policy" and don't get me wrong it's somewhat true. What they don't tell you is that Honesty is rather scary and really hard. At least it is that way for me.

I hate confrontation, I hate getting in fights and I suck at being honest. It's not in my personality to fight with people and most of the time when I am mad at them, they are completely clueless. Want to know why? Ding Ding Ding, I have a hard time being honest. I am so afraid to tell someone what I think or feel because I don't want to fight or if I am honest, lose that I just clam right up. I know there are people even today who still have no idea why I am distant with them. In the past they have done something to upset me or hurt me and me being a coward was too afraid to tell them that. Even now I have a few people who have done this or that and I am too much of a chicken to just tell them how I feel. It's not like how I feel is wrong, I have talked to others who give me advice tell me I am not in the wrong, I just don't want to start a fight.

Today I took a step and told a friend what I felt about something. Now in my head I saw her freaking out and telling me all these horrible things and it ending in a fight where we don't speak. Did it happen that way? Wanna guess? It didn't. It went well because I sat down and made my feelings known, I expressed how I felt in a calm manner and it got resolved. We talked it out and now things are fine. We acted like mature adults and got through the problem and moved on. Now will every situation be this easy? Absolutely not. None of us were made the same way, we all have different thoughts and feelings and it may not always work out so well. I just got really lucky.

Was I scared to death the entire time? Yes. But it felt empowering. I tend to be a dweller. I may not voice how i feel, I instead keep it held in and it festers and festers until I kind of explode. Let me just tell you this now, it's not good and it never ends well. I will vent to a few people here and there but I mainly keep it to myself. This is not healthy in any way, in fact it does nothing but hurt me and not anyone else. It also makes me more bitter and again doesn't affect the other person at all. Nine times out of ten the other person had no idea there was even a problem an if they did they never said anything to me about it. So again it doesn't really harm anyone but myself.

Being honest with my friend as refreshing and hard but it made me realize that Honesty really isn't all that scary. I just have to ask the Lord for wisdom and timing. Those are the two key compents to Honesty. You have to have the right words at the right time or otherwise things may blow up in your face. So wait on the Lord and let him direct your words like he did with me!

Now if you have no problem being honest and telling it like it is, then you may need to pull back some, or put a filter on yourself. Blunt honesty is rather hurtful, I have been on the tail end of that so I know. Again it's about pausing for wisdom and knowing who you are talking to.

Be encouraged, and Be Bold when you need to be. Some day I will be able to be honest without fear. It's not going to change over night but my experience with my friend is a small stepping stone of success!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Evil Laziness!

Hello Everyone!!

I know I haven't posted lately, and yes I have said this before but life is super busy. I am at that point in the semester where all these assignments are popping up, the beginning of tests and of course a lot of reading. It's crazy and I hate that it's all due at once but that's life. It doesn't help that I have an extreme case of senioritius, and no not the old people kind. I am in the very last semester of my undergraduate degree and have zero motivation to get things done. I love sitting in some of my classes, learning different things, but I just want to sit there and learn, I don't want to do any of the assignments, It's sad I know. I want to get good grades but I just want them handed to me and don't want to work for them and that's just not right. So pray for me if you pray or send me good thoughts because I need all the help I can get. Making myself do anything right now is hard.

That may partially be due to the cold I am fighting against. I sadly fell victim to that evil cold that has swept across the state or at least the area i live in. I hate being sick and it really railroaded my work out plans. If I am honest I don't mind, again I want to get in shape and thinner but I don't want to put forth the effort. I seriously suffer from laziness disease and it sucks. I want to be more motivated but I am just not. It's a horrible feeling especially when I am not happy with the way things are. I am tired of being that person that sits around all the time, but i don't do anything to change it. Ladies and Gents this is laziness at it's prime and it's horrible. Yes being sick doesn't help but still. I can lay the blame on everything I want but I know the truth, I am the problem.

To solve this problem, I am going to try something new. I am going to make an exercise calendar to help keep me motivated. I even downloaded an app for my phone to aid me in my progress. I am going to fill this calendar with good and motivating sayings and keep my eyes on the prize. My prize is being in good shape and content with how I look and feel. This is for me, not anyone else, but me. Now on the school front, that is just gonna take me sitting down and biting the bullet. So tomorrow I am going to sit down and make myself do my homework and do it well. There is no point in doing the assignments if I am not going to do them well, at least in my train of thought. So I just have to kick my butt into gear, I am almost done and I want to finish really well and the only way to do that is to give it my all. That also applies to both fronts. If you don't push yourself you won't grow, and I want to grow.

These are some of the challenges in my life. These are the minor trials of my life, and they may seem trivial to some but they are important to me. I have spent a lot of time focusing on my big time dreams but that's not wise. I need to focus on the here and now and go on from there. Dreams are good, hang on to them but don't botch things in the present. That is my plan anyways.

Now my deep question for you: What are things that you want to change? I mean things like my example, like my laziness. Is there something about you that you know needs to change but you haven't yet? Guess what you can change it! We both can and will! I have faith in you and so does God! Together we can make it through these two times and see the change come. I am not going to set a date because that's not fair, but I know someday in the future, I won't be lazy. I will be active and won't procrastinate things. I need to grow up, I can't be a kid forever.  So think about it the next couple of days and devise ways to make those changes. We are making ourselves better people, never know when someone may need us at our very best. So get out there and get motivated. God will help you through it, all you have to do is ask him.

Good Luck and Blessings!