Monday, August 12, 2013

In the Beginning...

Greetings Readers!

I have for a long time been debating starting a blog. One of the main factors for not posting one was fear. I was worried about what people thought of what I wrote, or if I would offend anyone with my thoughts and feelings. And quite honestly I was afraid no one would care. I have trampled down that fear and decided to give this a go. I've got things on this heart of mine that I want to share with people.

Now I won't lie part of my motivation in creating a blog was thanks in part to a book series I am reading. The Lux Series by Jennifer Armentrout. Now some find it silly that a book can have that kind of impact but I don't think it does. One of the characters has a blog and I found myself envious. I spend massive amounts of time on the computer and internet, why not channel some of that into something productive and good. 

Now for a shameless plug: I highly and I mean highly recommend the Lux Series, the first book is called Obsidian and I promise you won't regret it. It will pull you into and you won't want to leave. Trust me. I wouldn't lead anyone astray. There are two others in the series with the fourth installment coming out August 27th. So finish reading this post and then head to Kindle Store, Barnes & Noble, or the local library and read it! I love supporting my favorite authors, so you may see some more shameless plugs from here on out. So this post's shameless plug goes out to Jennifer Armentrout. Also if you like the Lux series, I recommend the Covenant series. I am not gonna lie but that series seriously cultivated my love of Greek Mythology and culture and who doesn't love a good greek myth? So go ahead, I dare you to pick up these books. And if you don't like them, I will eat my words!

Back to our regularly scheduled posting. This is my new blog. I plan on updating as often as I can. I just want to share what's on my heart with the world. I am going to shove my fear away and post what i feel like when it hits me. I hope that you enjoy what I write and that you get something from it and if you don't, you will probably get a good book recommendation. I read a lot and I can't help but share good books with people. I may end up like Jennifer Armentrout's character, whom I find very relatable. 

So here it is, the beginning. In the beginning there was a young woman with things on her heart and no where to put them. Being inspired by an incredible book, and facing her fear she began her blog and let the words flow freely. You may be wondering why I chose the title i did and I will tell you why. One of my favorite verses in the bible: 1 Peter 1:7 - "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ"  We all go through trials in life and though in the midst of them we may feel like we are on fire or dying we aren't. We are being refined, we are being molded and shaped into the most pure and precious gold. Gold that is more valuable than anything else imaginable, and it makes us that just much stronger and all the more precious. I love this verse and it has always hit home with me. Much like anyone else I am going through various trials and one day I will be pure and refined and the finest gold ever. It sounds silly but it's what I believe and feel is true for everyone.

So dearest readers, I appreciate your time, and know this opening is kind of lame but hey it's a start! So thanks for reading and keep checking back. Comments are appreciated but if they are negative, just don't bother. I will not respond to them. These are my thoughts and feelings and I am not forcing them on you. Now that the warning is out there and done, happy reading and be blessed!

- Nicol

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much!! I appreciate your comment and your kind words. As for book recommendations, I will have plenty. I have read so many amazing books, I can't wait to share them with the world. So be sure to keep checking back, but I totally get Greek Myth not being your cup of tea, it's not for everyone! Thanks again!
