Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Power of A Song

Hello Dearest and Faithful Readers!

How did everyone do in the Positive Re-enforcement Challenge?? I know I did alright, but I failed. I was more mindful of my thoughts because I didn't want to let any of you down but I did fail. Work definitely made it hard, especially when certain co-workers get under my skin. Guess what though! Failure is ok, what matters is that we are more mindful of what we are thinking and saying to others. We are mindful of our actions and words and that's a major step in the right direction! That is a success to me even if we didn't exactly succeed the entire day. Small Victories are the important victories! Besides each day is a new day and that means it's another chance to take another small victory so don't give up!

Today I want to discuss the power of a song. I have always been the person who wished my life as like a movie, like a movie in having a soundtrack. I will actually be in the midst of a moment and pick my own song for the moment and it never ceases to make me smile. There is one song that has connected with me, I like to think of it as my Anthem. It's Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, and because I am that awesome, I am posting the video so you can take a listen before you read the rest of my post =)

When I first heard this song I was hooked, and the funny part is this song has yet to get old. Usually you hear a song and after about the millionth time you hear it, you are swear if you hear the song again you will break something. Not this song. Every time this song plays, I get a smile on my face. I love this song and when I say it's my Anthem, it really is my song.

To me this song is about Awakening. The way I see it, life is like a book. Each portion is a chapter, and they all come to an end. I am coming to the end of one chapter of my life and I am greeting it with anticipation. I am discovering more of who I am, and learning new things about life and myself. This song is how I feel about myself. That I am waking up, that deep in my bones I know who I am, and I am about to burst forth into the next chapter of life. The song is called Radioactive, but to me when something is radioactive, it's contagious, it gets on you and consumes you and then gets on everything you come in contact with. I am excited about life, and what is ahead. I am excited about what God has for me, and I want to be radioactive with that. I want it to affect those around me and I want to see them that excited about life and their dreams. Yes the song kind of has a post-apocalyptic vibe to it, but I love that kind of stuff. That fact aside this song is my jam, it's my anthem. I am radioactive, I can feel something deep inside my bones that is waiting to come out. It's my love of life, my love for God, my love for writing, my love for history, my love for my friends. All those things that make me well me. I am sure when Imagine Dragons wrote this they didn't know people would get such meaning out of it but I know I did.

Is there a song that speaks to you this way? A song that just seems to sum up who you are right in this moment? Would that song be the soundtrack to moments in your life? I read on tumblr that someone's favorite song can tell you more about them than they can. I hope that hearing this song, tells you that I am a young woman who is excited about life, a woman who wants to make a difference, a woman with high and lofty dreams, a woman who isn't perfect but human, a woman who just wants to be radioactive. If it doesn't then at least you got to listen to an awesome song!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely check that out. Lol! I am not a Miley Cyrus fan at all, I will admit that song is catchy but i am just not a fan of her at all. But hey to each their own. You like the song and that is great, what matters is what it means to you :)
